
Name of the Society




National Action Forum for Social Justice (abbreviated as NAFSJ, and in short Social Justice Forum).






Head Office


The Registered Office of the Society will be situated in Dehradun, Uttaranchal.




[Present Address: 1-Tegbahadur Road, Dehradun – 248001 (Uttaranchal)]






Jurisdiction of the Society


Complete State of Uttaranchal (and within the Republic of India).






Aims and Objectives


The Aims and Objectives for which the Social Justice Forum shall be instrumental, are as   under :






To promote, educate, guide, assist, and create awareness among the down trodden regarding the Rights given by the Constitution; recommendations made by Union Government/State Governments and other Governments, Semi-Government Organisations and various bodies including those set up by them; schemes and programmes launched by the Government for their advancement; and in the matter of drawing maximum benefits out of these schemes and programmes, etc.






To organise and celebrate the birth anniversaries of Bharat Ratna Dr. Babasaheb B.R. Ambedkar and also anniversaries of other great persons who strove for securing Social Justice for the down-trodden;






To take any other steps necessary for the progress and empowerment of the down-trodden people; 






The functions of the society shall be Charitable and non-commercial.





Membership of the Social Justice Forum and Category of members :






Any citizen of India, having faith in the aims and objectives of the Forum and desirous of participating, with integrity and spirit of service, in the work for promotion of the aims and objectives of the Forum, may become an Ordinary Member of the Forum. 






On the request of the Ordinary Member and payment of requisite fees, he/she may be up-graded to higher category of membership of the Forum, if it is deemed fit by the Forum.






Honorary Member: Any person, if deemed fit by the Forum, by paying donation as per his/her capacity can become Honorary Member of the Forum.






The following shall be the categories of Membership of the Forum :






Category of Membership




Founder Member




Life Member




Associate Member




Ordinary Member




Honorary Member







Membership Fees :






Founder Member

Rs. 1,000 (Life time)



Life Member

Rs. 1,000 (Life time)



Associate Member

Rs.    200 (per Annum)



Ordinary Member

Rs.    100 (per Annum)



Honorary Member

Donation as per his/her capacity




The Membership of the Society shall cease if :





The Membership of the Forum of any Member shall automatically cease without the need for any notice or communication from the Forum to the Member, if the Member :



Dies (or)



Is adjudicated bankrupt or lunatic (or)



Is convicted of felony or any other criminal offence (or)



Resigns from his/her office by notice in writing to the Forum (or)






The Membership of a Member may also cease, if the Member :



Fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the General Body without intimation of valid reasons for his/her absence (or)



Does not pay his membership fee & dues



Each case falling under (e) & (f) shall be considered by the AMC, which may decide to continue the membership of the member in case the member rectifies the default and gives assurance to the AMC that such default shall not be repeated. The AMC may in the absence of such rectification by the member decide to terminate his/her membership of the Forum. An appeal can be made to CEC against the AMC’s decision. The CEC’s decision thereon shall be final.






The Membership of a Member may also be terminated if in the view of the AMC the activities of the Member are contrary to the aims and objectives of the Forum or his/her association with the Forum will not be in the interests of the Forum and its work. An appeal can be made to CEC against the AMC’s decision;




Re-Admission :


Any member whose membership is terminated can be re-admitted by the CEC if the ground of such termination has been rectified and the Committee deems him/her to be fit to be re-admitted.  The decision of the CEC shall be final and there shall be no appeal.




Rights and Privileges of the members :




Every Founder Member, Life Member and the Associate Member shall have the right to vote in and stand for elections, whereas all categories of the members may participate in the meetings of the Forum.




General Body of the Forum :




Formation - All Founder Member, Life Member and the Associate Member of the Society will comprise  its General Body.




Annual General Body Meetings & Quorum :

The regular meeting of the General Body shall be held once every year.


The Quorum for the meetings of the General Body shall be two-third of the total members.  In the absence of quorum, the Chairman shall adjourn the Meeting to a later time on the same day or the next day, which shall be announced by the Chair to the members present. No notice other than the announcement by the Chair to the Members present shall be required for an adjourned meeting and such Members as are present at the adjourned Meeting shall constitute the Quorum.


Business to be transacted during the General Body Meetings :


To prepare annual programs and policies.

To discuss and to decide all such other matters and issues which are directly and indirectly related to the affairs of the Social Justice Forum

To pass the annual Budget of the Social Justice Forum

To consider the audit and accounts of the previous year and the Auditors’ report for that year.

To appoint the Auditors for auditing the accounts of the Society,

To consider any other business with the permission of the chair.


Convening of General Body Meetings and Notice for the Meeting :


All the meetings of the General Body shall be convened by the General Secretary with the approval of the Chairman and the Chief Patron.  The notice of the meeting shall be issued not less than 30 days prior to the date of the meeting by the General Secretary.  The notice shall list the business to be transacted in the meeting.


Special Meetings of the General Body :


Special Meetings of the General Body shall be convened with the approval of the Chairman and the Chief Patron and shall be convened on the written requisition of more than one-half of the members of the General Body  and may be convened  as and when  the

Chairman and Chief Patron deem necessary.  The written requisition shall mention the subject (s) for desired to be considered by the expression meeting of the General Body, and the agenda of such meeting shall be confined only to such subject (s). The notice for special meetings convened at the discretion of the Chief Patron and the Chairman shall mention the agenda for the meeting and such special meetings may also consider any other business with the permission of the Chair.  The procedure for issue of notice for such meetings shall be the same as in Article 13 and the provision for Quorum shall be the same as in Article 11.


Powers of the General Body :


The General Body shall have the powers to review and make recommendations on the work of the Executive Committee and the Forum.


Central Executive Committee:


The CEC (Central Executive Committee) of the Social Justice Forum shall consist of the following office bearers :




Senior Vice-Chairman




General Secretary


Organising Secretary


Office Secretary General


Joint Secretary




Assistant Treasurer


Executive Members

- Not exceeding 15



The Number of Executive Members and office-bearers may be increased or decreased as and when considered necessary by the Central Executive Committee.


The Chief Patron : The Society shall have one Chief Patron.


Election of the Office Bearers of the Central Executive Committee:


The election of the Office Bearers of the Central Executive Committee shall, other than those given in list of members in the Governing Body of the Forum, be held every Five Years. The members in the Governing Body shall automatically be deemed re-elected as the office bearers of the Central Executive Committee respectively as per the post already held by them.


Meetings of the Central Executive Committee & Quorum:


The meetings of the Central Executive Committee shall be held as and when required for the business of the Central Executive Committee. One-Fourth of the Member of the office bearers shall constitute the quorum.


Working Committee:


Towards achievement of its aims and objectives, day-to-day work of organisational activities shall be carried out by a compact Working Committee consisting of the Chairman, General Secretary, Organising Secretary, Office Secretary General and Treasurer.  The CEC may add to the Working Committee more office bearers who are readily available at short notice on continuing basis.  The Working Committee will function in the light of the decisions of the CEC and General Body about the programmes and activities of the Forum.


Duties and Powers of the Chief Patron.



The overall functioning and activities of the Social Justice Forum shall be under and in accordance with his guidance;


He shall preside over all the meetings of General Body and those Meeting of the Central Executive Committee which he attends.


In case of equality of votes in any voting, he can tender his casting vote;


He shall primarily be concerned with the policies of the Social Justice Forum and planning and guiding its activities towards achievement of its aims and objectives;


He shall have powers to give rulings on any question concerning the Social Justice Forum and to meet and take delegations to Government, public representatives and officials for the work of the Social Justice Forum


In matters of doubt or difference, his decision shall be final.



Duties and Powers of the Office Bearers of the CEC :


Chairman :



He shall preside over those meetings of the CEC, which the Chief Patron does not attend. 

He shall have the powers to spend Rs. 3,000 for recurring and Rs. 3,500/- for non-recurring expenditure for the work of Social Justice Forum on any single instance.  For expenditure in excess of this amount the approval of the Central Executive Committee shall be required.

He shall have the power to check all types of records of the Social Justice Forum, including register of members containing therein the names, addresses, and other particulars.

He may allot or entrust any work or task to any of the office-bearers or other members of the Central/State/District Committees or to any Member of the Social Justice Forum;

He shall have the power to call for/terminate/adjourn and suspend meetings with the approval of the Chief Patron;

He shall have the power to supervise the work of the other office bearers from time to time;

He shall have any other powers and duties which are entrusted to him by the Chief Patron. 

He shall keep the Chief Patron informed of important developments and take his guidance/directions wherever necessary.


Sr. Vice-Chairman and Vice-Chairmen :


They will assist the Chairman in the working of the Social Justice Forum and discharge functions and duties entrusted to them by the Chairman.


General Secretary :

He shall undertake all types of correspondence on behalf of the Social Justice Forum;

He shall convene the Meetings of the General Body/Central Executive Committee;

He shall have the power to spend Rs. 2,000 for recurring and Rs. 3,000 for non-recurring expenditure for the work of the Social Justice Forum on any single instance.

He shall maintain all the records and registers of the Social Justice Forum except the records required to be maintained by the Treasurer or specifically entrusted by the CEC/Chairman to any other office-bearer.  He shall also present minutes of each meeting for confirmation at the next meeting and issue notice of meetings under his signature;

He shall execute all the programmes approved by the Social Justice Forum.

He shall submit the Annual report and audited Accounts for each year at the subsequent Annual Meeting of the General Body.


Organising Secretary :


In the absence of the General Secretary, the Organising Secretary shall have all the powers and duties, which are entrusted to the General Secretary.  He will also assist the General Secretary in his work.


All office bearers shall personally keep the Chief Patron and Chairman informed about the important matters pertaining to their area and field of work and shall function with mutual consultation and mutual cooperation and spirit of selfless dedication required for the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Forum.




Joint Secretary :




He shall assist the General Secretary and the Organising Secretary in the day to day working of the Social Justice Forum.




Treasurer :




He shall receive subscriptions, gifts, grants-in-aid and donations and issue receipts and he shall also be responsible for keeping and maintaining a true and correct account of the funds of the Social Justice Forum and utilization of the funds. 





Assistant Treasurer :




He will assist the Treasurer in carrying out his day-to-day working.




Office Secretary General :




He shall look after the overall working of the Office of the Social Justice Forum and its administration.



Functions of the Forum :


The following functions will be carried out by the Forum through its CEC :



To create awareness among the down-trodden in all fields, in particular in matters relating to land reforms, distribution of ceiling surplus, bhoodan and Government waste lands to all landless agricultural workers, irrigation and development of their land, right to work, universal quality education, true and full equality of opportunity in all areas and other rights to enable them to reach a level of equality with the advanced sections of society; motivate and mobilize them to launch powerful, disciplined and democratic movements to achieve Social Justice and to make efforts for expeditious solution of the problems faced by them; 




To make efforts for expeditious solution of the problems faced by the down-trodden members working in the Government, PSUs and other organizations, etc.;




To press the Union Government/State Governments and other Governments and Semi-Government Organisations for full and proper implementation of recommendations made by various bodies including those set up by them for the advancement of the down-trodden and recommendations made by the NAFSJ from time to time in its Manifestos and other Documents;




To devise means to achieve socio-economic development and empowerment of the down-trodden and secure them their rights, with special attention to the women and children of the down-trodden categories of people;




To serve as a watch-dog with special focus on adequate provision of Plan funds for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEdBC) including SEdBC of Religious Minorities (SEdBCRM) and also any other disadvantaged category of people, proper formulation of Special Component Plan for SCs (SCP) and Tribal sub-Plan (TsP), and effective implementation of those Plans and proper utilization of Plan funds and to fight against atrocities and acts of “Untouchability” committed on the down-trodden and denial of Social Justice to them and take steps to secure proper enforcement of legislations in this regard and to move for amendments and fresh legislation wherever necessary;




To move for electoral reforms with special reference to the down-trodden;




To press the Union Government/State Governments for effective implementation of Constitutional provisions for the welfare and empowerment of SCs, STs, SEdBCs including SEdBCRMs and other down-trodden People of the Society and for strengthening of constitutional provisions through amendments and additions wherever necessary;




To press the Union Government/State Governments for selecting/nominating honest, selfless, dedicated and experienced person(s) from the down-trodden and from those with a history of sincere service for the work of Social Justice to be represented in the Boards and other decision-making bodies of financial and developmental institutions etc., set up for the welfare, development and empowerment of the down-trodden and in general institutions which are or which can be relevant for the welfare, development and empowerment of the down-trodden;




To press the Union and State Governments for the introduction of reservation policy in the Private sector and, to the extent possible, to motivate private enterprises in this regard and to participate actively in other measures for the advancement of SC, ST and SEdBC including SEdBCRM;




To educate, guide and advise the down-trodden in the matter of drawing maximum benefits out of the schemes and programmes launched by the Government and to secure new schemes and programmes essential for their progress;




To keep liaison with other non-governmental, non-political and like-minded organizations in the field of Social Justice and with those interested in Social Justice in Political Parties and to press Political Parties to fulfil their promises and commitments to the SC, ST and SEdBC including SEdBCRM and to adopt all measures required for achievement of Total Social Justice, including real equality of opportunity and outcome especially in education and employment; and




To take any other steps necessary for the progress and empowerment of SC, ST, SEdBC including SEdBCRM and other down-trodden people. 





The Accounts of the Social Justice Forum shall be maintained properly and shall be kept up-to-date. The Treasurer shall maintain the accounts of the Social Justice Forum. 


Audit of Accounts :





The Financial Year of the Social Justice Forum shall end on the 31st day of March in each year and the accounts of the Social Justice Forum shall be prepared and maintained each year up-to-date and after having been verified and audited shall be laid before the next General Body meeting together with the Auditor(s)’ Report, after approval of the CEC.






The appointment of two Auditors(s) for each year shall be made by the General Body.





Operation of Accounts :




The Bank Account of the Social Justice Forum shall be in any of the Nationalised Bank (s) as approved by the CEC and operated jointly by any of the two, out of the Chairman, General Secretary, and Treasurer.




Investments :




All the moneys of the Social Justice Forum as are not required to meet its current requirements/expenditures may be invested in such Nationalised Bank(s) or Government Securities as may be approved by the CEC of the Social Justice Forum.




Funds, Release and Audit :





The Social Justice Forum may raise funds through grants, donations, etc., and any other source approved by the CEC.



All bills for payment shall be passed by the Chairman and General Secretary;



An imprest of Rs. 1,000 shall be kept with the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer to meet unforeseen expenditures.  He/they will render its proper account. 



The accounts of the Social Justice Forum shall be subjected to audit regularly.





Right to Vote :




Every Member of the General Body shall have the right of one vote irrespective of his position.




Status :




The Social Justice Forum is a non-political and non-governmental body.  It has an independent entity.




Resignation :




A Life Member, Founder Member, Associate Member and Ordinary Member who is not willing to continue in the Social Justice Forum can resign by giving a notice of three months to the Chairman/General Secretary; on such resignation he/she shall not be entitled to refund of the subscription paid by him/her. 




State Committees/District Committees :  For facility of functioning, State Committees/District Committees may be constituted by the CEC.  The Central Executive Committee shall have the power to nominate the Members and Office-bearers of the State Committees and   constitute/supersede any of them.  Similarly, the State Committee shall have the power to nominate the Members and Office-bearers of the District Committees and constitute/supercede any of the District Committees.  The constitution, duties, responsibilities and powers of each State Committees and District Committees shall be as laid down by the CEC according to local conditions and needs.




Women and Youth Cell etc. :




The Central Executive Committee, State Committees, District Committees of the Social Justice Forum may constitute the Youth Cell, Women’s Cell, Intellectuals Cell, Legal Cell, etc, at their level and within their jurisdictions, if they think fit. 




Amendments :




No amendments, alterations or revocation of any of the provisions of the Bye-laws of the Social Justice Forum shall be made unless it is voted by one-fourth of Society Members present at a meeting convened for the purpose at the General Body meeting.




Vacancies :




The Vacancy(ies) in the Social Justice Forum, if any, may be filled by Central/State/District Executive Committee as early as possible, subject to approval of CEC in the case of State Committees, State Committee  in the case of District Committees and in accordance with the Societies Registration Act in the case of the CEC.  In the case of vacancies in the CEC, during any inter-regnum between elections to the CEC, the CEC shall also have powers to fill up vacancies by co-option of any member of the Forum till the subsequent election.




Records of the Social Justice Forum :




All records such as Membership Register, Minutes-Book of Meetings, Stock Register and Cash Book, etc., will be maintained by the Social Justice Forum as well as all its Units.




The Central Executive Committee on behalf of the Social Justice Forum, and through its Working Committee taking the guidance of the Chief Patron where over necessary will deal with all judicial Matters/Cases pertaining to Social Justice Forum.




Winding up of the Social Justice Forum :




If under any circumstances the Social Justice Forum is to be wound up, the property of the Social Justice Forum as may be decided by the Social Justice Forum, shall be transferred to a Society of similar Aims and Objectives or as per Article 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

List of the Desirous Persons, and the members of the governing body of the Forum:


We, the under named, are desirous of forming a Society namely “National Action Forum for Social Justice” under Societies Registration Act, 1860 :

Sr. No

Name/Address & Post held in Central Executive Committee

Father’s Name


Post held in CEC


P. S. Krishnan, IAS (Retd.)
Flat No. 1513-B,
Beverley Park II
DLF City Phase II
Mehrauli Gurgaon Road                      
Gurgaon-122002 (Haryana)                   

Shri P.L. Subramanian

Retired Secretary to Government of India

Chief Pattern of the Forum


Nanak Chand
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy, Campus Malakoff
Harnam Singh Road
Mussoorie (Uttaranchal)                             

Shri Shambhu




N. R. Naryan
A-2/185, Janak Puri
New Delhi                                   



Sr. Vice-Chairman


Isher Singh
L-2, Prem Street,
Guru Harkishan Nagar
Malekotla Road, Khanna

Shri Naghia Singh




Darshan Singh
B – 31, MEA Apartments,
C-58/29, Sector-62

Shri Piara Singh


General Secretary


U. K. Lal
21, New Layal Pur
Krishna Nagar, Delhi-110051                   

Shri Chiddalal




D R N. Bharti
1, Tegbahadur Road                                       
Dehradun (Uttranchal)-248001      

Shri M. Das


Office Secretary General


WZ- 44, H, Possangi Pur
Janak Puri, New Delhi                      

Shri H. S. Tanwar


Joint Secretary


Davinder Kumar
13/856 II Vashundra Ghaziabad
Uttar Pradesh

Shri Tojen Lal






List of the Office Bearers in Central Executive Committee of the Forum :


The names, address, occupations and post of the Office Bearers in the Central Executive Committee whom the management of the Social Justice Forum is entrusted as required under section 2 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, are as follows :


Sr. No

Name & Address

Father’s Name


Post *



Nanak Chand
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy
Campus Malakoff
Harnam Singh Road
Mussoorie (Uttaranchal)

Shri Shambhu





N. R. Naryan
A-2/185, Janak Puri
New Delhi



Sr. Vice-Chairman



Isher Singh
L-2, Prem Street,
Guru Harkishan Nagar
Malekotla Road, Khanna (Punjab)

Shri Naghia Singh





Darshan Singh
C-58/29, Sector-62

Shri Piara Singh


General Secretary



Surjit Sing Badan,
#1133/11, Gali No.11,
Govind Puri, Kalkaji,
New Delhi – 110 019.

Late S. Karnail





D R N. Bharti
1, Tegbahadur Road,
Dehradun (Uttranchal) - 248001

Shri M. Das


Office Secretary General



WZ- 44, H, Possangi Pur
Janak Puri, New Delhi

Shri H. S. Tanwar


Joint Secretary



Davinder Kumar
13/856 II Vashundra Ghaziabad
Uttar Pradesh

Shri Tojen Lal




 * The elections for other Posts will be held after the registration of the Society and will be informed accordingly.
The above Members will be the members of the Governing Body of National Action Forum, with same Post.  Also Shri P.S. Krishnan, IAS (Retd.), Flat No.1513-B, Beverley Park II, DLF City Phase-II, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon – 122 002 (Haryana) will be the Chief –Patron of this Forum.